YVONNE VAN DONGEN was born in christchurch in 1957. She has a B.A and a diploma of journalism from canterbury university. She has worked as a feature writer for the then new zealand times ( now the dominion sunday times).
i end this account of days past with feeling of deep emotion. possibly every author feels the same. i cannot say. iam moved mainly because it is my first book of this kind and, perhaps, my last. How will it be regarded by critical reader?
ONA june night in 1928, sudden flashes of lightning bathed in uncanny light a newfangled intruder in the skies above the storm-tossed mid-pacific: a lone monoplane-- a "suicide crate" by today's standards--was battling for its life high over the boiling waves, its three enginers roaring defiance in a world of wind and watrer
he's the hard-living, easy-riding icon of the 60s counter-culture who went on to act in such critically acclaimed films as The Wild Angels, Race with the Devil and, most recently, ulee's gold.
How Was it that for just over sixteen years, between her glittering marriage to the heir to the British throne and her violent death in a Paris underpass, a young, unsophisticated girl shook the British monarchy to its foundation and became a worldwide celebrity?
Despite the numerous books on world war II, until now there has been no one-volume survery that was both abojective and comprehensiv.
The author is indebted to the following for permission to reproduce illustrations: Keystrone press agency Ltd for photographs nos. 15 and 21 ; London news agency photos Ltd for photographs
Teologi Islam yang diajarkan di Indonesia pada umumnya adalah teologi dalam bentuk Ilmu Tajwid.
Teologi Islam yang diajarkan di Indonesia pada umumnya adalah teologi dalam bentuk Ilmu Tajwid.
Kali ini kami persembahkan ke hadapan para pembaca yang budiman, kitab "QISHAHUL ANBIYA" yaitu kissah para Nabi dan Rasul.