Michael Fea, Manu Littler, and the elegant Jane Eglinton come from opposite ends of the wealth and social spectrum. A Divided Nation recounts the adventures, romantic, commercial and physical, of the main characters. The story becomes, as well as an absorbing novel, an exciting and unnerving tour-de-force on race relations and pressures in New Zealand.
Julius Caesar walks to the podium to address the senate on the Empire. As he begins his address, a senator sitting near the the back leans across to two others senators and says "You know, Caesar's parents nearly lost him as a child. Unfortunately they didn't take him far enough into the desert."
On a desolate Cornish moor stood Jamaica Inn. Once warmly hospitable, it was now avoided by decent folk. To this forbidding place came young Maru Yellan, seeking the protection of her uncle and aunt, the inn's proprietors. She Found instead an atmosphere of hars brutality, and became fright-eningly aware of stealthy nighttime visitors to the crumbling edifice. Then into her strange new life cam…
In the summer of 1969, a disillusioned Berkeley graduate leaves behind a world of protests and riots to follow a wild, inner calling. Sam Altman is an intense young man whose unleashed and increasingly unhinged imagination takes him first to Seattle and then father north, to the remote Alaskan wilderness.
'She's perpect.' 'What makes you so sure?' 'She's intelligent and discreet, and she's ambitious; the challenge would appeal to her. She's idealistic; she would break the law if she thought she was justified. And she'd probably enjoy it.' Bartrop began to look interested.
Tuesday was a fine California day, full of sunshine and promise, until Harry Lyon had to shoot someone at lunch. For breakfast, sitting at his kitchen table, he ate toasted English muffins with lemon marmalade and drank strong black Jamaican coffe. A
How could Britain's oldest and most aristocratic merchant bank, which numbered the Queen among its clients, collapse with debts of L869 million? And why did a well-paid, high-flying 28 year-old plasterer's son from Watford end up sentenced to six-and-a-half years in a Singapore goal?
IT IS A YEAR of firsts for 19-year-old Ruth. She has just left home, just started university and is just falling in love. The future hangs before her, glittering and bright. Yet when her new boyfriend Anton begins asking probing questions about her scars, she is hurtled into the past.
Headline has hit on to a winner with John Gideon. GREELY'S COVE is an ambitious, well-crafted horror novel with fascinating characters, all of whom have secrets, and a storyline which builds like a pyramid of cards, each one with a different face, but all with blood red backs' FEAR.
Twelve hours after a woman's broken body is washed up on a deserted shore on the south coast of england, her traumatised three-year-old daughter is discovered twenty miles away walking the streets of People, alone and apparently abandoned.