Salah satu pembelajaran kterampilan berbahasa indonesia yang sangat penting adalah menulis, karena dengan menulis kita dapat membekali kecakapan hidup bagi siapapun yang bisa menguasainya.
Friends and colleagues have been generous with their memories and their expertise. I would like to thank Esmee Slattery and Bernadette McAloon for recollections of their Durham child hood, Roger Forsdyke for police procedure, Carl Keifer, Martin Leichte and other members of the Kodak Camera news group on the Internet for information on the Box Brownie,
No criminal is more feared and none harder to catch than a killer who chooses his victims among strangers, whose only motive is the perverse pleasure generated by the very act of killing-always in the most savage ways imaginable.
Born of filth, he stood on the river-bed, feet anchored, completely submerged. A lily of hair floated on the surface. His buoyant arms rose like angel wings. Though weak, standing by the dock current streamed at his back. The river worked to uproot him.
Everybody in New York City is looking for something. Men are looking for women and women are looking for men. Down at the Trucks, men are looking for men, while at Barbara's and the lib women are looking for women.
The writing of this book required considerable research. It is with great gratitude I acknowledge those who have been so wonderfully helpful.
Well, look at this - we're all here. We made it back again. I hope you're half as happy to be here as I am. Just saying that reminds me of a story, and since telling stories is what i do for a living (and to keep myself sane), i'll pas this one along.
Owl is Billy's best friend, the only friend he's got to play with. Until, that is, the 'Spaceman' comes to live in his road. Billy has all kinds of adventures with Owl and his new friend, including a trip to the fair, a visit to a new school and a wedding.
Thankeray's upper-class regency world is a noisy and jostling commercial fairground, predominantly driven by acquisitive greed and soulless materialism, in which the narrator himself plays a brilliantly versatile role as a serio-comic observer.
Having moved, like Paula, from a smallish draughty house in London to a larger, even draughtier house in the country, I identify so much with what she describes. Marvellously funny, perceptive and sometimes poignant.