Marketing plays an essential role in all our lives. all australian and new zealanders are consumers and so are the pivotal point of the marketing process. for those who work in private sector organisations, marketing is an obvious key function in the business.
This book provides a broad overview of issues related to western europian economic and political integration. the procces of integration became a focus of global concern in the late 1980s , as governments and companies ettempted to asses the potential opportunities and threats of the europe 1992 program.
In recent years, company directors have had their actions subjected to in creasing levels of control. the corporations law places specific responsibilitioes on them. as a condition of stock exchange listing, the australian stock exchange has continued to increaseits demands.
Buku seri ke-13 sains dalam peradabn islam yang berjudul Optikal Refleksi Cermin Parabola, penulis berusaha untuk menyampaikan salah satu konsep optika yang sangt fundamental, yaitu refleksi cahay pada cermin parabola.
Melalui buku ini, penyusun berusaha memperkenalkan kembali karya kedokteran melayu dari seorang ulama tabib kerajaan Riau-Lingga asal Pulau Penyengat Riau yang bernama Raja Haji Tabib Bin Raja Ahmad bin Raja Haji Fii Sabilillah (lahir tahun 1824).
Buku sei ke-12 sains dalam peradaban islam, penulis berusah menyampaikan salah satu konsep optikal yang sangat fundamental, yaitu refleksi cahaya pada cermin sirkular.
Management of information technology focuses on the management and enterprise-wide issues of information technology. these issues are examined from amanagerial perspective-from the first-line manager to the chief executive officer.
No book stands alone. many people have influenced the shape and content of this project, and many more supported me through it.
Modern managers need acces to an arsenal of techniques if they are to carry out effective and efficiently the management functions of planning, organising, directing and controlling the use of resources.
Buku Farmalogi: Obat-Obat penting dalam pembelajaran Ilmu Farmasi dan Dunia Kesehatan ini menyajikan pengetahuan perihal obat-obat dan mekanisme aksi obat tersebut baik yang dipergunakan dalam bidang pembelajaran farmasi maupun praktik klinik. Dalam buku ini obat diklasifikasikan berdasarkan sistem fisiologis tubuh yang menjadi target terapi obat maupun kesamaan efek farmakologi. Pengetahuan da…