The wish to show the transformation of the social system in yugoslavia arose from the numerous talks held with foreign delegations, study groups and individuals who have visited yugoslav trade unions.
I have attempted in this second edition to cover the main topics in the rapid development of econometrics since the first edition appeared in 1963.
more than ten years into independence, zimbabwe is a fascinating study in contradictory history and development.
buku panduan mahasiswa ini merupakan perwujuda dari proyek pengembangan mta kulian (PPMK) sebagai usaha kerja sama kesepuluh universitas yang tergabungdalam APTIK
perekonomian indonesia pada pelita III, akan dihadapkan pada pelbagian dilemma gawat, oleh karna itu realisasi srtategi delapan jalur pemeratan tidak tercapai
Di dalam makalah ini akan di bahas orientasi atau wawasan dari pada ekonomi pancasila.
basic ideas and historical background
this revision of our peevious edition, which was published in 1971, would never have reached the drawing board ware
If U.S. economybis a wonder to behold, this book is about how to behpld it.